Specialty Wood Products reports
Forest Growers Conference 2019
Hamish Levack hlevack@xtra.co.nz
Immediate Past President
Neil Cullen
-North Otago
-Mid Otago
-South Otago
-Sthn High Country (south)
Newsletter editor
Dean Satchell
-Far North
-Mid North
National Office
Liz Chamberlain
Phone: 04 4720432
Angus Gordon angusg@xtra.co.nz
-Taupo & Districts
-Middle Districts
-Hawkes Bay
-Gisborne East Coast
Michael Orchard
-West Coast
Patrick Milne patrick@cypress.co.nz
-North Canterbury
-Central Canterbury
-South Canterbury
Don Wallace
-At large
Egon Guttke
-At large
Peter Berg - Co-opted
-Lower North
-Bay of Plenty
Howard Moore - Co-opted
The members area of the NZFFA website can be accessed by using your email address and password to log in.
Your email address MUST be the address you have provided to NZFFA for your subscription (which happens to be the one this newsletter was sent to...).
If you don't have a password or can't remember it, you can get one very easily. Just follow the instructions here.
Any problems logging in then email me.
Dean Satchell, website administrator
If you are receiving this e-newsletter and don't want to, please notify NZFFA by replying.
Forest Grower Levy Payers,
Nominations for the Forest Grower Levy Trust board are called for.
Two are to represent forests larger than 1000 hectares and one member for forests less than 1000 hectares.
Go to forestvoice.org.nz/ for a nomination form, information about the positions available and the nomination and voting process. Nominations close 5pm Friday 4 October.
Glen Mackie glen.mackie@nzfoa.org.nz
Welcome Liz Chamberlain
A warm welcome to Liz Chamberlain, our new administrator in Head Office. Branch office holders, don't hesitate to get in touch with Liz, she's here to help.
NZFFA on facebook
We have a shiny new facebook page up and running, with lots of likes and new posts added at regular intervals. https://www.facebook.com/NZFarmForestry/
A Path Through the Trees, by Vivien Edwards
About Mary Sutherland, forester, botanist & women's advocate
$39 More >>

For independent, knowledgeable, and balanced advice contact GreenXperts Limited:
Susan Harris Mobile: 022 1544 958
Email: susan.harris@greenxperts.co.nz www.greenxperts.co.nz
For more information on these events, they are posted on the NZFFA website >>
Branch secretaries, please make sure you notify head office of any branch or action group events.
- Lifestyle Expo, Otago Taieri A&P Showgrounds, Mosgiel Saturday 21 September 2019 1-4pm, Otago Taieri A&P Society's Showgrounds, Five Roads, Mosgiel. Edinburgh Realty’s Lifestyle & Rural team, together with Murrays Veterinary Clinic are excited to be hosting the third…
- Use of Palms in Canterbury Christchurch Botanic Gardens 4pm Sunday 22 September 2019 Guillaume Jacobs will speak about the diversity of palm trees and illustrate his talk by visiting the variety of species in the…
- Regional Harvesting Workshop - Whangarei The Small and Medium Enterprise Joint FFA/FOA Committee has obtained funds from the NZ Forest Grower Levy Trust to initiate harvesting research for small-scale forest growers. The rationale for this is that roading, harvesting…
- Auckland Council IECA Field Day You are warmly invited to the Auckland Council IECA Field Day. This will be held at Dale Rd, Whenuapai, from 1pm mon 26 September 2019. Presentations on and Demonstrations of…
- BOP Field Day - Growing Special Purpose & Indigenous Tree Species Saturday 28 September - 1253 State highway 30, Awakeri, Eastern Bay Of Plenty 10 a.m. start On Saturday 28th September we invite you (and any friends) to a very interesting and…
- Otago-Southland Forest Products Industry Dinner Meeting Date: Tuesday 2 October 2019 Venue: Rosebank Lodge, Balclutha When: 5.30pm – Drinks, 6.30pm – Dinner, 7.15pm - After-Dinner Presentation Cost: $46 per person It’s time to gather as an…
- 1 Billion Trees Workshop - Milton 1pm Thursday 3 October 2019, White Horse Inn, Milton Open to both landowners and rural professionals. The workshop will be hosted by MPI and will be covering the 1BT grants…
- 2nd Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum Creating healthy communities and ecosystems for a resilient future, 2-6 September 2019, Christchurch, New Zealand The Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum (OESF) 2019 will be held from 2-6 Sept 2019 in Christchurch and will bring together…
- 2019 Research Awards Nominations - Make your Nomination Now! https://fgr.nz/event/forest-growers-conference-2019/?instance_id=19 The Forest Growers Research Awards were introduced in 2011 to recognise excellence in science and innovation in the forestry growing sector. The awards not only recognise individual researchers but…
- FOREST GROWERS CONFERENCE 2019 Tuesday, 15th October 2019 and Wednesday, 16th October 2019 Venue: Te Papa, Wellington The 2019 Forest Growers Conference will be held in Wellington this year on the 15th - 16th…
- Industry Monitors Log Market Movements September, 2019. Industry adjustment to the new log pricing levels is continuing to take place. As with all adjustments this affects businesses and individuals in very different ways depending on their individual…
- Foresters welcome risk based Standards for freshwater management September, 2019. Forest Owners Association President, Peter Weir says Forest Owners and Farm Foresters welcome the opportunity to join the national conversation on freshwater management and he urges members of both associations…
- Report: Small-scale Grower Harvest costs and returns July, 2019. A previous survey of small-scale forest owners (SSFO) interests (reported in May 2017 Tree Grower) clearly showed a strong interest for more information around the harvesting and marketing segment of…
- Log Export Prices Under Downward Pressure
Market Report August 2019 Log Export Prices Under Downward Pressure For those forest owners actively harvesting, the news out of the export segment will not be what they wanted to hear.…
- Since the last Tree Grower was produced, Wink Sutton, Neil Cullen and Bruce Bulloch have stood down from their respective roles as patron, president, and treasurer of the NZFFA. We are very grateful for their contributions. Wink has provided a thoughtful article…
More »
NZFFA is a partner in the SWP. The full suite of reports are available on the website. The reports are listed by date but also by subject areas:
When: Tuesday, 15th October 2019 and Wednesday, 16th October 2019
Where: Te Papa, Wellington
Agenda »
Register now »
Guess Speaker: Dr James Renwick, Professor and Head of School, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington.
Topic: The future of forests in a changed climate
The 2019 Forest Growers Conference will be held in Wellington this year on the 15th - 16th October 2019. In addition to an update on the Forest Growers Levy Trust, the conference will highlight the achievements of our two largest research programmes that are coming to an end this year, Growing Confidence in Forestry's Future (GCFF) and Healthy Trees Healthy Future (HTHF). We will also highlight achievements from extensive research programmes ranging across the spectrum from tree breeding to harvesting.
Learn about the research programmes and other activities being funded by the levy, the results to date and how you as a forest grower can use these results to:
- Achieve better financial returns from new and existing forests
- Improve the health and resilience of your forests to pests and diseases
- Maintain our industry ‘licence to operate’
Come along and benefit from this significant investment in the future of the forest growing industry by the Forest Growers Levy Trust. More »
Disclaimer: Personal views expressed in this newsletter are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of the NZ Farm Forestry Association. |