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Please note: Some of these reports are restricted access.

  • Recalculation of Ovensii Bending Strength and Stiffness
    SWP-T154 - Access: Cypress Development Group.
    July 2023
    In terms of bending stiffness, the C. ovensii achieved the SG6 structural grade, in terms of bending strength, the C. ovensii achieved the SG12 structural grade resulting in an overall grade of SG6. To…
  • New Zealand Cypress Strategy 2021 – 2041
    SWP-T138 - Access: unrestricted.
    December 2021
    This strategy presents the business case for developing a cypress forest industry, in particular the required market development for cypress timber and growing a plantation industry that is of a…
  • Cupressus x ovensii Bending Strength and Stiffness
    SWP-T129- - Access: unrestricted.
    July 2021
    In terms of bending stiffness, the C. ovensii achieved the SG6 structural grade, in terms of bending strength, the C. ovensii achieved the SG10 structural grade resulting in an overall grade of SG6. To…
  • Grade recoveries from sawing 22-year-old unpruned cypress clones
    SWP-T116 - Access: unrestricted.
    February 2021
    A Scion clonal cypress trial established in 1997 provided the opportunity to determine the grade recoveries of sawn timber from two cypress clones; GH5 (Cupressus lusitanica) and Ovensii (Cupressus lusitanica…
  • NZ Cypress Forestry Strategy - Stage One 2019-2020
    SWP-T099 - Access: unrestricted.
    November 2020
    Interim report – industry consultation; forest resource analysis; draft strategy development Outcomes of consultation with corporate growers and the harvesting and marketing and consultancy sectors
  • Dimensional Stability of Specialty Species (final report)
    SWP-T090 - Access: unrestricted.
    December 2019
    Changes in the moisture content of wood changes its dimensions. The magnitude of these changes (dimensional stability) can have a large impact on how the wood performs in service. Poor…
  • Non-destructive detection of the heartwood-sapwood barrier
    SWP-T088 - Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
    September 2019
    This study examined the feasibility of using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging to identify the heartwood-sapwood barrier in trees (Eucalyptus globoidea, Eucalyptus bosistoana and Cupressus ovensii). The dielectric properties measured of…
  • Dimensional Stability of Specialty Species (interim report)
    SWP-T074 - Access: unrestricted.
    May 2019
    Dimensional changes caused by changes in wood moisture content (dimensional stability) can have a large impact on how the wood performs in service. Poor dimensional stability can lead to cracking,…
  • LVL Stiffness Calculator User Guide
    SWP-T059 - Access: unrestricted.
    June 2018
    This software is only intended to be used as a decision tool that enables questions to be asked about the potential suitability of a wood resource being able to supply a range of LVL grades.…


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