Stand Select radiata seedlings available now
Thursday 21 November, 1.30 pm
At the farm of Sandra & Chris Campbell
41 Blaikie Road, Clifton (between Balclutha and Clinton)
Come and hear about:
setting up a native nursery
establishing natives by drone
direct drilling of natives.
Enquiries: Ken Campbell (no relation) 027 235 5558
All welcome.
Omakere District Field Day Saturday 23 November
Sawing trial at Milligan's, Dipton. Wednesday, November 20th
Sawing Field Day
Wednesday, November 20th at Milligans.
Meet at Milligan Road, Dipton West starting at 10am (bring your lunch).
Paul Marshall, Senior Forestry Advisor, Otago Southland, Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service, has kindly offered to trial saw logs of several varieties of trees including the stringybark Eucalypts: Eucalyptus blaxlandii and Eucalyptus youmanii plus Alnus rubra, Eucalyptus johnstonii and Eucalyptus cordata all grown on the Milligan property all over 30 years old.
Many of us have these species and it will be interesting to see that timber potential of these more obscure varieties.
Graham Milligan, Phone 0274 880 870.
GHG and ETS insights day - Opotiki
20th November 2024, 10am - 3pm
Whakatane - GHG abd ETS Insights day
19th November 2024, 10.30am - 3pm
Conference 2025
'Trees in Farmed Hill Country'
New Zealand Farm Forestry Association 67th Annual Conference 1st to 4th April 2025
The members of the North Canterbury branch welcome you to the 2025 annual conference.
The conference is based at the Commodore Hotel, 449 Memorial Avenue, Christchurch.
For further information and to register: REGISTER HERE
Pre Conference Day, Tuesday 1st April - Action Group Meetings
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eucalypt
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Cypress
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Afternoon Tea
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Sequoia
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Indigenous
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM Acacia
5.30 PM - 6.30 PM Exec Meeting
Conference Day 1, 2nd April - Action Group Meetings
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Oak
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Poplar/Willow
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Morning Tea
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Council
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM AGM
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM Te Uru Rakau - Speaker
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Afternoon Tea
3:45 PM - 4:30 PM Simean Smail - Speaker
4:30 PM - 5:15 PM Mackwell Engineering - Speaker
6:30 PM - 7:15 PM Drinks
7:15 PM - 7:45 PM Keith Woodford - Opening Speaker
Conference Day 1 - Awards Dinner
7:45 PM - 12:00 AM Dinner
Room: Commodore Hotel - Dinner
Conference Day 2 Thursday 3rd April- Field Trips to Mt Grey and Selkirk
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM Field Trip
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Dinner
Room: Off Site - Hornby Club
Conference Day 3 Friday 4th April - Field Trips to Melrose and Double Tops
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Field Trip
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Dinner
Room: Off Site - Omihi Hall
Post Conference Day Saturday 5th April - Extra Day - Optional Trips
Pick one only
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Optional Option 1 - High Country wilding control upper Waimakariri basin
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Optional Option 2 - Drylands Eucalypts/Fairweather Specialty Timber Sawmill and the Proseed Seed Orchard
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Optional Option 3 - Combined Cypress & Redwood Action Groups field trip.
Bay of Plenty Farm Forestry field-day at Summerhill, Friday 7th March
319 Reid Rd, off Welcome Bay Rd. Papamoa Hills.
Visit Summerhill’s new Community Hub building showcasing a range of timbers from
Walk through 40yr old Cypress lusitanica & Tasmanian Blackwood plantation. Cypress being
harvested in small coups &/or selective harvesting biannually.
Visit Cypress sawmilling operation, discuss opportunities for Cypress timbers.
start at 10am finish with supplied lunch at Hub (new build and lo9cally grown and milled timber)
with AGM and speakers; Todd Chessman, Waipa Forest Management and hopefully Richard
Thompson, Mac Black who grow, mill, process alt species and have joinery workshop making
barn doors, benchtops and bespoke furniture.