
Treefarmer is a free web-based computer tool to assist landowners with woodlot planting and harvesting decisions.
Woodlot Planning
Multiple woodlots can be mapped on your property and the planting of five forestry species simulated. Choose from three tending regimes to give costs and yields (wood and carbon) for selected harvest age.
Tree Harvest
Multiple woodlots can be mapped, and the harvest planning simulated by drawing woodlot boundaries, skid locations and road scenarios.
Access to the tool is available from Forest Growers Research ».
Promoting the wise use of trees for profit, amenity, sustainability and the environment
Welcome to the NZ Farm Forestry website – the home for those with small forestry blocks – farmers, foresters, investors, growers, managers. NZFFA are a network of tree growers each practicing sustainable land management in rural New Zealand. Join NZFFA and start networking!
This website provides a growing library of information on all aspects of farm forestry. General information is available to all visitors but some detailed and membership-specific information is reserved for members of the Association.
About nzffa
NZFFA was formed in 1957. Membership is spread over 25 Branches throughout NZ, and there are 9 special interest groups. We estimate our members own or manage up to 100,000Ha of forest, and influence the management of a similar area. These forests consist of radiata pine; cypress; eucalypts; redwood; blackwood; other exotic species and managed indigenous forests.
We have an online specialty timbers marketplace where local timbers and services are available, and we also produce a quarterly market report on log prices. NZFFA represents growers throughout New Zealand to further their interests.
We work with ForestX NZ, who provide market price assessments for sellers of forests and forest description reports for forest buyers. We are also a partner in the Forest Growers Commodity Levy. We represent growers throughout New Zealand to further their interests. NZFFA is also a partner in the Specialty Wood Products Partnership (SWP).
Every year we hold a conference, and local branches hold regular events.
The Neil Barr Farm Forestry Foundation is a charitable trust that encourages and promotes farm forestry and has funds available for any project or proposal which advances knowledge on, or promotes the wise use of trees on New Zealand farms.
We have a proud history, and you are welcome to download the book Farm Forestry - The First Fifty Years.
National President:
Neil Cullen
027 415 8416
Contact President »