Cypress - Tree Grower articles
- Evaluation of five cypress clones at Silverwood (Access: NZFFA membership)
Dave Askin and Mike Davies, November 2021
Silverwood’s cypress evaluation is becoming a valuable comparison of five lines of cypress, thanks to the support from the Neil Barr Farm Forestry Foundation who recently funded a second round…
- Progress on cypress - South Island field days a great success (Access: NZFFA membership)
Rachel Rose, August 2021
Cypress species have the potential to become a major plantation timber in New Zealand, a muchneeded back-up to radiata and a valuable softwood for domestic and international markets. A great…
- 22 year old untended Cypress shows promise (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell, August 2021
Cypress plantations have traditionally been pruned and thinned to produce the "holy grail" of appearance products, clearwood lumber. Surprisingly, there is general consensus on how to produce cypress clearwood -…
- Cypress trials at Don Tantrum’s property (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell, August 2020
Don Tantrum planted and mapped several cypress trials on a range of sites on his farm near Taihape from 1990 to 2000, collecting promising material from around New Zealand. He…
- Bringing cypress to the fore (Access: unrestricted)
Rachel Rose, August 2020
This article adds a lot more detail to the article on the Cypress Development Group weekend which was in the May Tree Grower. The future of cypress in New Zealand…
- Developing a strategy for the cypress forest industry (Access: unrestricted)
Marco Lausberg and Harriet Palmer, August 2020
The cypress industry in New Zealand is at a critical juncture. Macrocarpa remains a favourite timber and one of the few alternative species timbers which is certain to find a market.…
- Towards commercialising cypress as a high value plantation forest species (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell, August 2017
Cypress species are well known in New Zealand for their timber, usually called macrocarpa, this being a namesake for the species Cupressus macrocarpa. Macrocarpa and hybrids have been planted for…
- A new name for macrocarpa, and for quite a few others? (Access: unrestricted)
Derrick Rooney, November 2013
Recent developments in molecular and DNA science have led to significant advances in medical research and in the understanding of many genetic disorders in humans. They have also resulted in…
- Sawmilling Ovens cypress - A New Zealand first? (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell, February 2013
Audrey Hay has a small stand of some of the most impressive looking pruned Cupressus ovensii in the country. They were planted by her and her late husband Michael 24…
- Harvesting mature macrocarpa – never judge a book by its cover (Access: unrestricted)
Allan Laurie, February 2013
This case study reviews a recent harvest project involving 17 mature macrocarpa trees harvested in south Canterbury. It is very much a story of being aware of what you are…
- High value alternatives to pine (Access: unrestricted)
Matt Lysaght, November 2010
When in 1993 Linda and I, along with partners Rob and Trish Roney, decided to establish a forestry block, it was planned to provide a substantial supplement to our respective…
- Macrocarpa and cypresses in general (Access: unrestricted)
Don Tantrum, February 2010
I was asked to write something for the cypress feature although I am sure that much of it has been written before. This brief article is based on my conclusions…
- A new plan for cypresses (Access: unrestricted)
H S Dungey, J Russell, C B Low and G T Stovold, February 2010
Cypresses are popular with growers and end users alike due to their attractive wood and relatively easy processing properties. Cypresses are generally medium to low density with little variation from pith…
- Yellow cedar in British Columbia (Access: unrestricted)
John Russell and Jodie Krakowski, February 2010
Yellow cedar or Alaska cypress, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis, has long been valued by North American coastal indigenous people as a source of fibre for mats, baskets and clothing. It is also a durable…
- A Canadian tree breeder’s view on cypresses in New Zealand (Access: unrestricted)
John Russell, February 2010
My daughter and I arrived on a damp and chilly afternoon in early July at the Gavins’ farm on the Buller River. Terry and Claire met us in the ubiquitous…
- Cypress hybrids (Access: unrestricted)
Charlie Low, February 2010
Hybrids occurring naturally between cypress species can offer commercial advantages over either of the parent species. Some accidental inter-genus hybrids such as Leylands and Ovensii have been vegetatively deployed for…
- Macrocarpa – The fatal flaw (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Brown, February 2010
The Waikato is a graveyard for macrocarpa. Here in warmth and humidity we live in fungal paradise. The old spreading farm trees that are a feature of our rural landscape…
- Macrocarpa stories – more needed (Access: unrestricted)
Allan Levett, November 2009
The Cypress Development Group decided at its AGM in Gisborne to carry out some joint research with Scion on macrocarpa. Macrocarpa produces a highly regarded timber in New Zealand and…
- The house that mac built (Access: unrestricted)
Benjamin Lee, February 2009
My brother Julian and his partner Tricia have devoted their working lives to the New Zealand science community. Although still working, they have taken a step back from full time…
- Comparing the wood properties of cypress species (Access: unrestricted)
Charlie Low, February 2006
Cypress species have been grown in New Zealand for many years as a substitute for native timbers. The development of portable sawmills has increased the production of lumber for a…
- Milling cypresses and the marketing challenge (Access: unrestricted)
Don Tantrum, February 2006
I have been selecting, propagating, growing and managing cypresses for over 25 years including everything from controlled pollination to milling. We now have over 25 hectares planted from well over…
- Macrocarpa – keeping faith with the old faithful (Access: unrestricted)
Denis Hocking, February 2006
In the first part of this issue of Tree Grower we are featuring articles covering some of the varying species and clones of cypress. The main generic name is Cupressus,…
- Hybrid cypresses – a future plantation option (Access: unrestricted)
Patrick Milne, February 2006
Cypresses have been one of the most popular species advocated and planted over the last 20 years to compliment radiata forestry. This has certainly been the case with the farm…
- Are we still planting cypresses on the right site? (Access: unrestricted)
Patrick Milne, February 2006
There is increasing interest in cypresses as alternative softwood species for plantation forestry in New Zealand. While cypresses as a whole will grow on a very wide range of sites,…
- Instability in lusitanica - a learning curve (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Brown, May 2005
I am a fan of cypress, and have been growing them with variable success for 25 years. What I have referred to as a learning curve might equally be described…
- Floating golden cypress (Access: unrestricted)
Derrick Rooney, May 2005
Last year, the news broke that a previously unknown species of conifer had been found among the remnants of moist karst forest in northern Vietnam. The new tree was dubbed…
- A personal view of Leyland cypress (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Brown, February 2005
My interest in Leyland cypress goes back to 1980, when my brother Richard and I bought 400 Leighton Green cuttings from Joll Hosking in Whangarei. We planted them on our…
- Debate about cypress management (Access: unrestricted)
Allan Levett & Don Tantrum
, February 2005
This article presents a short debate about cypress management with contributions from Allan Levett and Don Tantrum Allan Levett’s views Silviculture The cypresses at Tinui Forest Park, Wairarapa, have been…
Farm Forestry - Headlines
Article archive »
- Emissions Trading Scheme fee review a relief for cost-struck foresters
Thursday, February 29, 2024
The New Zealand Forest Owners Association says the review of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) fees is a relief for foresters facing excessive costs and loss of climate change action. …
- Planting trees on pasture can have a positive impact on soil health
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Rather than damaging soil in New Zealand, planting trees on pasture restores soil to be similar to its original condition. A recent news story highlighting changes in soils from converting…
- Forest plantation soils have benefits too
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
The Forest Owners Association (FOA) says the fact that soils under plantation forests are similar to soils under native trees, does not make them damaged, as a recent Newshub report has claimed.…
- Wilding Conifers - A legacy issue that needs continued, collaborative management
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Forest owners welcome the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s (PCE) acknowledgement that the presence of wilding conifers across New Zealand is largely a legacy issue, but caution against placing costs…
- Stock take of the commercially viable alternatives to Pinus radiata
Tuesday, October 03, 2023
Scion has published a “Stock Take of the Commercially Viable Alternatives to Pinus Radiata” for MPI, which reviews alternative species, their expected growth rates, climatic range, resilience to pests or…
- SNA regulations 'confusing ecological naivety'
Thursday, July 06, 2023
Forest Owners say the just released National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB) is a classic bureaucratic formula of confusing ecological naivety which will not help rare species and likely…
- Primary sector leadership not addressing economics as the real climate change issue
Tuesday, July 04, 2023
The immediate past president of the Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA) says the leaders of the primary sector and government are ineffectively tinkering with lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Graham West says the…
- Forest Owners hail ‘Biosecurity Hero’
Monday, May 22, 2023
The Forest Owners Association and Scion want more people to report suspicious imported wood products which might be infested with introduced wood and forest pests. FOA Biosecurity Manager, Brendan Gould,…
- Ministerial inquiry could have widespread implications for Tairawhiti community
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
The New Zealand Institute of Forestry says the just announced Tairawhiti land use inquiry is recommending measures which will stop the very activities which are vital for the region’s recovery.…
- Tairawhiti land use inquiry not addressing wider issues
Sunday, May 14, 2023
The Forest Owners Association says the Ministerial Inquiry into landuse in Tarawhiti has a core of practical recommendations, but has not addressed some more difficult and fundamental issues. President, Grant…
- Forest Owners say carbon-only forestry should be kept off productive land
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
The Forest Owners Association would like to see production forestry and farming on productive land – rather than this land used for carbon-only forests. It says this should be a…
- Opportunities from Trees Workshops - NZ Wide
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
The NZ Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA) is running 18 extension workshops in May and June with a target audience of landowners, or people with access to land, who are potential tree…
- Forest Owners back more trees for Tairawhiti
Sunday, April 16, 2023
The Forest Owners Association has told the Ministerial Inquiry into land use in Tairāwhiti, that the region’s future has to include more trees for land stability. But it appreciates forest…
- Small scale woodlot owners have their say in Tairawhiti Land use Inquiry
Sunday, April 02, 2023
he outgoing President of the Farm Forestry Association says it has been vital for farm foresters to directly address the Ministerial Inquiry into forestry and other land use in Tairāwhiti.…
- Future forests need to be multifunctional to meet climate change in Tairawhiti
Thursday, March 16, 2023
The Farm Forestry Association says the just convened Ministerial Inquiry, into land-use across Tairāwhiti, needs to look closely at the tree options for shoring up vulnerable farm and former forest land in…
- Hill country farming campaign shows they think climate change is someone else’s problem
Thursday, March 09, 2023
The Forest Owners Association says the latest campaign against forestry, led by Beef+Lamb New Zealand and 50 Shades of Green, is climate change responsibility denial, and is dangerous in the…
- Forest Owners says two months too brief to look into the complex land issues in Tairawhiti.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
The Forest Owners Association says the two month long inquiry into land use in Tairāwhiti doesn’t give enough time or depth to find solutions. The Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins has…
- Forest Owners want genetic technology approved
Thursday, February 16, 2023
The Forest Owners Organisation says New Zealand needs to concentrate on the safety of genetic technology on a case-by-case basis rather than persisting with blanket bans. The FOA wants approval…
- Fieldays Forestry Hub to demonstrate that forestry is a solution
Monday, November 28, 2022
A range of solutions to farmers’ current problems will be on display in the Fieldays Forestry Hub near Hamilton between 30 November and 3 December, says Farm Forestry Association president,…
- Innovative uses of forestry and wood products unveiled at Fieldays
Thursday, November 24, 2022
New and innovative uses of forestry and wood products will be on display at 35 stands in the Fieldays Forestry Hub near Hamilton between 30 November and 3 December, including…