Cypress - Reports
- Report: Trees for steep slopes - Cypress
Dean Satchell,
July 2018 (Access: unrestricted)
In this page: Stand management and siting Individual species requirements and management Milling and Marketing Macrocarpa and cypress have been planted for shelter, shade and aesthetic values for well over 100…
- Arilosa cypress at Hanmer
September 2022 (Access: unrestricted)
- Kaingaroa Cpt 246/5 and Cpt 179 cypress trials, November 2021
Dean Satchell, Vaughan Kearns and Toby Stovold,
March 2022 (Access: Cypress Development Group)
Cpt 246/5 Cypress clonal trials We measured these the same day as the Cpt 179 cypress. All Cpt 246/5 cypress clones were planted the same year (2010?). 1. Scion nootka hybrid trials…
- Cypress hybrid selections 2021
Dean Satchell,
October 2021 (Access: unrestricted)
This report summarises observations from several trials (Taumarunui, Pipiwai, Kaingaroa Cpt 320, Cpt 1002, Tarawera Cpt 30, Silverwood and Balclutha). Nootka hybrid selections Macrocarpa x Nootkatensis hybrid selections: NM 308…
- Progress with cypress clones project
August 2021 (Access: Cypress Development Group)
Report for Te Uru Rākau, August 2021 Cypress Development Group of the NZ Farm Forestry Association Background Cypress species are well known in the rural landscape throughout New Zealand, planted…
- 2017 Clonal cypress trial, Silverwood, Central Canterbury
Dean Satchell and Vaughan Kearns,
August 2021 (Access: Cypress Development Group)
Planted September 2017 (Assessment 12/5/2021). This trial is two separate trials, both randomised single tree plot design (10 replicates in trial 1 and 9 replicates in trial 2), and is a…
- 2017 Clonal cypress trial, Tarawera Compartment 30
Dean Satchell, Toby Stovold and Vaughan Kearns,
June 2021 (Access: Cypress Development Group)
This Scion clonal hybrid cypress trial was planted in July 2017 in radiata pine cutover, so was 3 2/3 years old at the time measurements were taken during March 2021.…
- 2017 Clonal cypress trial, Compartment 1002, Kaingaroa BOP
Dean Satchell, Toby Stovold and Vaughan Kearns,
June 2021 (Access: Cypress Development Group)
This Scion clonal hybrid cypress trial was planted in July 2017 in radiata pine cutover, so was 3 2/3 years old at the time measurements were taken during March 2021. Location…
- 2017 Clonal cypress trial at Cullen's Balclutha
Neil Cullen,
March 2021 (Access: Cypress Development Group)
This trial is in South Otago at Neil and Pam Cullen's farm. Quote from Neil: "There is quite a bit of variation in the block not surprisingly and even at 3 years…
- Report on Scion cypress trial, Pipiwai Northland
Dean Satchell, Vaughan Kearns and Toby Stovold,
February 2021 (Access: Cypress Development Group)
This Scion clonal hybrid cypress trial was planted in July 2017 in radiata pine cutover, so was 3 1/2 years old at the time measurements were taken during January 2021. Using controlled…
- Hybrid cypress clone assessment, August 2020
Dean Satchell,
August 2020 (Access: Friends of cypress,Cypress Development Group)
Thanks to Toby Stovold from Scion and John Moore from Kaingaroa Timberlands, who kindly assisted with this research, took us to the sites, and provided maps of the plantings. Vaughan…
- Status of cypress trials at Don Tantrums, Taihape, March 2020
Dean Satchell,
March 2020 (Access: unrestricted)
Don Tantrum planted and mapped several cypress trials on a range of sites on his farm near Taihape from 1990 to 2000, beavering promising material from around New Zealand and…
- Hybrid cypress trials Paparoa road, Taumarunui December 2019
Charlie Low and Vaughan Kearns,
December 2019 (Access: Cypress Development Group)
NZFFA Visit to FR532/3, 2014 cypress hybrid blocks, Paparoa road, Taumarunui. A single 81-tree block of each of 30 Scion cypress hybrid clones of which 12 were released to tree…
- Vaughan Kearns cypress research trials, Raetihi
Dean Satchell,
May 2019 (Access: Cypress Development Group)
This report documents some clonal selections made at Vaughan Kearns cypress plantation near Raetihi. These photos, selections and measurements were made in May 2019. The trees were planted winter 2014. dkh…
- Small diameter unpruned cypress sawmilling research 2019
Dean Satchell,
April 2019 (Access: unrestricted)
Specialty Wood Products partnership cypress sawmilling research - methods, background and objectives for unpruned small diameter cypress sawmilling study conducted in 2019. 6 Ovensii and 8 GH5 twenty-year old unpruned…
- Angus Gordon's Cypress trial at Taihape
Angus Gordon and Dean Satchell,
December 2017 (Access: unrestricted)
"This trial was set up to experiment with a range of species and provenances to test performance for the site characteristics that exist here, with the range of genetic material…
- Strategic Planning Workshop on Cypress Development 27th October 2017
Patrick Milne,
November 2017 (Access: Cypress Development Group)
The growing, management and use of cypresses and their wood is well supported by the NZ Farm Forestry Association and its Cypress Action Group (CAG) on behalf of the small…
- Towards Commercialising Cypress as a High-Value Plantation Forest Species
Dean Satchell,
March 2017 (Access: unrestricted)
Clonal cypress trials were established by the Forest Research Institute (now Scion) between 1994 and 1998 across a range of different regions and locations in New Zealand. Clonal cypress forestry…
- Macrocarpa- Faulkner's strain, Gisborne
Rodney Faulkner,
May 2014 (Access: unrestricted)
In 1905 My grandfather A.J. Faulkner took up land south of Gisborne. There was little in the way of native bush on these hills and he could see that there…
- Sawmilling of Himalayan cypress (Cupressus cashmeriana) in Northland
Dean Satchell,
September 2010 (Access: unrestricted)
I am not aware of any work on wood properties or sawmilling of this species in New Zealand. This despite reasonable quantities of C. torulosa timber coming into Canterbury with…
- A compilation of major knowledge gaps for cypresses (2008)
July 2008 (Access: unrestricted)
This is list has been drawn from multiple sources, it needs to be prioritised and rigorously pruned down with industry input. Seed source, breeding and propagation Siting and establishment Health Forest…
- Report: Why should industry invest in cypresses? A contract prepared for the Cypress Development Group with the assistance of FIDA
Jacqui Aimers,
January 2008 (Access: unrestricted)
The aim of this report is to give industry a status report on cypress forestry, including current knowledge and knowledge gaps, and present a business case for investment in cypress…
- Recalculation of Ovensii Bending Strength and Stiffness
SWP-T154 - Access: Cypress Development Group.
July 2023
In terms of bending stiffness, the C. ovensii achieved the SG6 structural grade, in terms of bending strength, the C. ovensii achieved the SG12 structural grade resulting in an overall grade of SG6. To…
- New Zealand Cypress Strategy 2021 – 2041
SWP-T138 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2021
This strategy presents the business case for developing a cypress forest industry, in particular the required market development for cypress timber and growing a plantation industry that is of a…
- Cupressus x ovensii Bending Strength and Stiffness
SWP-T129- - Access: unrestricted.
July 2021
In terms of bending stiffness, the C. ovensii achieved the SG6 structural grade, in terms of bending strength, the C. ovensii achieved the SG10 structural grade resulting in an overall grade of SG6. To…
- Grade recoveries from sawing 22-year-old unpruned cypress clones
SWP-T116 - Access: unrestricted.
February 2021
A Scion clonal cypress trial established in 1997 provided the opportunity to determine the grade recoveries of sawn timber from two cypress clones; GH5 (Cupressus lusitanica) and Ovensii (Cupressus lusitanica…
- NZ Cypress Forestry Strategy - Stage One 2019-2020
SWP-T099 - Access: unrestricted.
November 2020
Interim report – industry consultation; forest resource analysis; draft strategy development Outcomes of consultation with corporate growers and the harvesting and marketing and consultancy sectors
- Dimensional Stability of Specialty Species (final report)
SWP-T090 - Access: unrestricted.
December 2019
Changes in the moisture content of wood changes its dimensions. The magnitude of these changes (dimensional stability) can have a large impact on how the wood performs in service. Poor…
- Non-destructive detection of the heartwood-sapwood barrier
SWP-T088 - Access: NZFFA membership. This SWP report shall at all times be kept confidential and not directly or indirectly be made available to anyone who is not an SWP member.
September 2019
This study examined the feasibility of using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging to identify the heartwood-sapwood barrier in trees (Eucalyptus globoidea, Eucalyptus bosistoana and Cupressus ovensii). The dielectric properties measured of…
- Dimensional Stability of Specialty Species (interim report)
SWP-T074 - Access: unrestricted.
May 2019
Dimensional changes caused by changes in wood moisture content (dimensional stability) can have a large impact on how the wood performs in service. Poor dimensional stability can lead to cracking,…
- LVL Stiffness Calculator User Guide
SWP-T059 - Access: unrestricted.
June 2018
This software is only intended to be used as a decision tool that enables questions to be asked about the potential suitability of a wood resource being able to supply a range of LVL grades.…
Farm Forestry - Headlines
Article archive »
- Emissions Trading Scheme fee review a relief for cost-struck foresters
Thursday, February 29, 2024
The New Zealand Forest Owners Association says the review of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) fees is a relief for foresters facing excessive costs and loss of climate change action. …
- Planting trees on pasture can have a positive impact on soil health
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Rather than damaging soil in New Zealand, planting trees on pasture restores soil to be similar to its original condition. A recent news story highlighting changes in soils from converting…
- Forest plantation soils have benefits too
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
The Forest Owners Association (FOA) says the fact that soils under plantation forests are similar to soils under native trees, does not make them damaged, as a recent Newshub report has claimed.…
- Wilding Conifers - A legacy issue that needs continued, collaborative management
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Forest owners welcome the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s (PCE) acknowledgement that the presence of wilding conifers across New Zealand is largely a legacy issue, but caution against placing costs…
- Stock take of the commercially viable alternatives to Pinus radiata
Tuesday, October 03, 2023
Scion has published a “Stock Take of the Commercially Viable Alternatives to Pinus Radiata” for MPI, which reviews alternative species, their expected growth rates, climatic range, resilience to pests or…
- SNA regulations 'confusing ecological naivety'
Thursday, July 06, 2023
Forest Owners say the just released National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB) is a classic bureaucratic formula of confusing ecological naivety which will not help rare species and likely…
- Primary sector leadership not addressing economics as the real climate change issue
Tuesday, July 04, 2023
The immediate past president of the Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA) says the leaders of the primary sector and government are ineffectively tinkering with lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Graham West says the…
- Forest Owners hail ‘Biosecurity Hero’
Monday, May 22, 2023
The Forest Owners Association and Scion want more people to report suspicious imported wood products which might be infested with introduced wood and forest pests. FOA Biosecurity Manager, Brendan Gould,…
- Ministerial inquiry could have widespread implications for Tairawhiti community
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
The New Zealand Institute of Forestry says the just announced Tairawhiti land use inquiry is recommending measures which will stop the very activities which are vital for the region’s recovery.…
- Tairawhiti land use inquiry not addressing wider issues
Sunday, May 14, 2023
The Forest Owners Association says the Ministerial Inquiry into landuse in Tarawhiti has a core of practical recommendations, but has not addressed some more difficult and fundamental issues. President, Grant…
- Forest Owners say carbon-only forestry should be kept off productive land
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
The Forest Owners Association would like to see production forestry and farming on productive land – rather than this land used for carbon-only forests. It says this should be a…
- Opportunities from Trees Workshops - NZ Wide
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
The NZ Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA) is running 18 extension workshops in May and June with a target audience of landowners, or people with access to land, who are potential tree…
- Forest Owners back more trees for Tairawhiti
Sunday, April 16, 2023
The Forest Owners Association has told the Ministerial Inquiry into land use in Tairāwhiti, that the region’s future has to include more trees for land stability. But it appreciates forest…
- Small scale woodlot owners have their say in Tairawhiti Land use Inquiry
Sunday, April 02, 2023
he outgoing President of the Farm Forestry Association says it has been vital for farm foresters to directly address the Ministerial Inquiry into forestry and other land use in Tairāwhiti.…
- Future forests need to be multifunctional to meet climate change in Tairawhiti
Thursday, March 16, 2023
The Farm Forestry Association says the just convened Ministerial Inquiry, into land-use across Tairāwhiti, needs to look closely at the tree options for shoring up vulnerable farm and former forest land in…
- Hill country farming campaign shows they think climate change is someone else’s problem
Thursday, March 09, 2023
The Forest Owners Association says the latest campaign against forestry, led by Beef+Lamb New Zealand and 50 Shades of Green, is climate change responsibility denial, and is dangerous in the…
- Forest Owners says two months too brief to look into the complex land issues in Tairawhiti.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
The Forest Owners Association says the two month long inquiry into land use in Tairāwhiti doesn’t give enough time or depth to find solutions. The Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins has…
- Forest Owners want genetic technology approved
Thursday, February 16, 2023
The Forest Owners Organisation says New Zealand needs to concentrate on the safety of genetic technology on a case-by-case basis rather than persisting with blanket bans. The FOA wants approval…
- Fieldays Forestry Hub to demonstrate that forestry is a solution
Monday, November 28, 2022
A range of solutions to farmers’ current problems will be on display in the Fieldays Forestry Hub near Hamilton between 30 November and 3 December, says Farm Forestry Association president,…
- Innovative uses of forestry and wood products unveiled at Fieldays
Thursday, November 24, 2022
New and innovative uses of forestry and wood products will be on display at 35 stands in the Fieldays Forestry Hub near Hamilton between 30 November and 3 December, including…