Milling, Drying and Marketing
- Steam conditioning for air dried sawn eucalypts (Access: NZFFA membership)
Bill Studd, August 2021
It is a shame that many people think of eucalypts as fit only for firewood. In fact, when sawn and dried carefully, eucalypt timber provides good structural capability and excellent…
- The current value and future potential of the small-scale sawmilling sector (Access: unrestricted)
Paul Millen and Harriet Palmer, November 2020
New Zealand’s current small-scale sawmilling sector is made up of a diverse mix of businesses and individuals who produce specialty timbers for high-value markets. This includes a small number of…
- Testing the strength of Douglas-fir cross-laminated timber (Access: unrestricted)
Minghao Li and Harriet Palmer, November 2018
Douglas fir is New Zealand’s second most popular plantation species with a total current planted area of around 104,000 hectares. Renowned as a structural timber, Douglas fir has been generally overlooked…
- Milling blackwood in the Marlborough Sounds (Access: unrestricted)
Paul Millen, February 2017
My brother and I recently milled eight blackwood trees extracted from our Marlborough Sounds property. The sawmiller was Martin Douglass from Motuere, using a Woodmizer mobile sawmill. The trees were…
- Pathways to Building Code compliance for farm totara timber (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell, David Bergin and Paul Quinlan, November 2016
Building Code compliance is essential for developing timber markets for any tree species. Therefore, understanding the labyrinth of the regulatory framework and knowing how and what to do in order…
- Harvesting a private woodlot (Access: unrestricted)
Darrin Collett, May 2014
This article focuses on harvesting and marketing a woodlot at Kaukapakapa, north of Auckland. During my 23 years of experience in forestry I have found that harvesting and marketing private…
- From trees to timber (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell, February 2014
Farm Forestry Timbers, the NZFFA’s newest and first nationwide branch, co-hosted the annual action group weekend held in Wanganui in November last year. The theme was quite different from the…
- Shane Jordan portable sawmilling (Access: unrestricted)
Shane Jordan, August 2013
I own and operate a small portable sawmilling business east of Stratford. In my spare time I compete in timber sport competitions throughout the world. I am a current world…
- Lucas portable sawmills (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Schulz, August 2013
If you are involved in farm forestry and are thinking of buying a sawmill to process your own logs, then you should start by establishing a market. The three main…
- A farm forester’s experience with a Peterson mill (Access: unrestricted)
Peter van Essen, August 2013
I bought a Peterson automated swingblade mill in 2002 to use trees from young woodlots which I had planted. I chose this mill because of its portability, easy blade maintenance,…
- Finding the right portable sawmill (Access: unrestricted)
Marlena Martin and Layla Robinson, August 2013
Most portable sawmills sold in this country are purchased by farmers. They can see the benefits of cutting their own trees for farm fences, sheds, yards and other projects. As…
- Wood-Mizer for farm foresters (Access: unrestricted)
John Fairweather, August 2013
I have a mix of alternative species over 20 years old on my block in north Canterbury. Over 10 years ago I decided to try and add value to the…
- Using a portable sawmilling service (Access: unrestricted)
John and Ben Bergman, May 2013
Mahoe Sawmills design and manufacture a range of portable sawmills from the factory in Kerikeri. The first machines were made after a delegation of Russians visited the family farm to…
- Southern portable sawmilling (Access: unrestricted)
Blair Stewart, May 2013
I never set out to be a sawmiller. However, after a stint at farming as a teenager, and at the time looking for a change of direction, I was offered…
- Farm forestry timbers - Local timbers for local markets (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell, August 2011
When it comes to growing special purpose timber species, in every part of the country I hear the same things − Can we sell our logs? Is there a market…
- Collective blackwood marketing (Access: unrestricted)
Malcolm Mackenzie, November 2013
I am keen to respond to the excellent ‘From the Patron’ in the August Tree Grower and hopefully stimulate a wide-ranging discussion among fellow members. I agree with Wink Sutton…
- Blackwood Milling (Access: unrestricted)
Malcolm Mackenzie, November 2013
I attempted to be a little more scientific when we did our third small milling of Tasmanian blackwood timber this year. I wanted to calculate the conversion of log volume…
- How does Douglas fir compare with radiata pine in framing timber? (Access: unrestricted)
Mick Hedley, Dave Page, Jackie van der Waals, August 2009
Douglas fir, which comprises around six per cent of the New Zealand exotic timber plantation, has been used as untreated framing timber for over 70 years. Historically, there were no…
- A pet project (Access: unrestricted)
Mike Halliday, May 2009
It all started with a trip to Kuratau to spend a weekend with a cousin who had a bach there. We fell in love with the place and put an…
- Selling alternative species (Access: unrestricted)
Allan Levett and Dean Satchell, May 2009
Interest in farm forestry circles these days is turning increasingly to selling our precious alternative species logs and timber. This is not only because some of the species Dad and…
- Helping farmers sell wood (Access: unrestricted)
Peter Harington, August 2005
So what is it about Woodmetrics that aligns us so closely with the farm forestry sector? Established in 2000 as a business unit of Carter Holt Harvey, Woodmetrics offers a…
- Understanding the stability of Douglas fir timber (Access: unrestricted)
Author not published, August 2007
Douglas fir has a history within the building industry as strong, stiff and stable timber, ideal for structural applications. Different interpretations of good stability can be given such as low…
- Responding to moisture: How do Douglas fir and radiata compare? (Access: unrestricted)
Andrew Karalus, August 2007
Three research projects undertaken for the Douglas fir Cooperative have set out to quantify the differences between Douglas fir and radiata pine in terms of the responses to moisture by…
- Harvesting and marketing some pruned redwood giants (Access: unrestricted)
Jeff Tombleson, February 2007
In 1997 Forest Research (now Scion) harvested and marketed 26 giant redwood trees which were felled for various reasons including their close proximity to buildings. The trees had been planted…
- Eucalypts for timber: My experience and my floor (Access: unrestricted)
Don Tantrum, November 2006
I began planting eucalypts about 30 years ago. I soon discovered that not all I wished to grow did grow. The Taihape climate soon curbed my enthusiasm. I will not…
- Use of New Zealand grown eucalypts (Access: unrestricted)
Richard Davies-Colley, November 2006
The development of industries using eucalypt timber is still in its infancy in New Zealand. We have only small areas of mixed species, limited knowledge of the product and therefore…
- Milling and grading New Zealand grown blackwood (Access: unrestricted)
Mike Esson, August 2006
Blackwood is a much sought after timber, especially by cabinet makers because of it rich dark colour and fine finish. Blackwood is a species that brings people to our yard…
- Furniture from blackwood (Access: unrestricted)
Graeme and Betty Benjamin, August 2006
Customers visiting the Everwood Furniture showroom in Mount Maunganui love furniture made from blackwood timber according to Graeme Benjamin. Graeme and his wife Betty have owned Everwood Furniture for a…
- Milling cypresses and the marketing challenge (Access: unrestricted)
Don Tantrum, February 2006
I have been selecting, propagating, growing and managing cypresses for over 25 years including everything from controlled pollination to milling. We now have over 25 hectares planted from well over…
- Macrocarpa – keeping faith with the old faithful (Access: unrestricted)
Denis Hocking, February 2006
In the first part of this issue of Tree Grower we are featuring articles covering some of the varying species and clones of cypress. The main generic name is Cupressus,…
- MARVL pre-harvest inventory system (Access: unrestricted)
Jim Cooke & Rob Webster, May 2005
No, MARVL is not shorthand for one of the wonders of the world but something much more prosaic. MARVL is an acronym for ‘method of assessment of recoverable volume by…
- The commercial reality of special purpose timber species (Access: unrestricted)
Parnell Trost, May 2005
Securing an adequate return for your stand of eucalypts or macrocarpa can be the most challenging part of the growing cycle. The market for special purpose timbers is relatively small,…
- Log value recovery in a woodlot context (Access: unrestricted)
Andy Dick, May 2005
Commercial forest owners and forestry research organisations have over the years attempted to maximise returns by developing tools, processes and disciplines called log value recovery. If you have a good…
- Adding value by milling on site (Access: unrestricted)
Jonathan Walker, February 2005
It is a well known fact that when you have a commodity to sell, there is an over-supply and the price falls. Conversely, when you are in the market to…
- An eight Bullet Point summary of why the "Jones formula" to make NZ sawmilling great again is doomed to failure: Dennis Neilson's blog, June 03, 2020
Some reasons why Minister Jones’ attempt to re-direct some or all of the ~20 million cubic metres per year of export logs to domestic sawmills to process more sawn timber…
- Building System Legislative Reform Programme, public consultation: Dean Satchell's blog, April 23, 2019
The Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE) administer the building code and are proposing major changes to NZ's building laws to: increase the quality of information about building products;…
- Is an IKEA store to our advantage?: Wink Sutton's Blog, February 23, 2019
IKEA is possibly to begin trading in New Zealand. Should New Zealand forest owners be pleased? Already New Zealand has large retailers including The Warehouse, Harvey Norman, K Mart, Mitre10…
- Wood is as important as food: Wink Sutton's Blog, August 30, 2018
For over 60 years I have had to defend a common criticism of forestry that ‘forests including plantations are occupying land which should be used for food production’. It is…
- The local market for Lusitanica and Macrocarpa timber: Murray Grant's Blog, May 13, 2018
For the last 25 years I have been developing the local market for Lusitanica and Macrocarpa timber. Our sawmill sources trees from predominantly plantations. Coming from Dairying then owning a…
- Durability performance and structural timber: Dean Satchell's blog, November 15, 2017
Hazard class H1.2 is an indoor decay hazard, introduced in 2003 as a regulatory reaction to the leaky building syndrome. This standard applies to timber used for structural applications protected…
- An export log market for "alternative" species?: Dean Satchell's blog, November 11, 2017
I had a call a few days back from a guy in Australia looking to source eucalypt logs. On further enquiry, he told me that he represented a big manufacturer…
- Determinations, specialty timbers and the building code: Dean Satchell's blog, July 10, 2017
What do you know about "Determinations"? Well... Determinations are best described as judgements made by MBIE where disputes arise between the Building Consent Authority (BCA) and those undertaking building work. BCA's must…
- Is there an environmentally acceptable alternative to wood?: February 2016, February 27, 2016
In the 1990s I was on a two-year secondment to the Canadian Forest Service from Fletcher Challenge Forests. On a mid-term return to New Zealand I had a meeting with…
- Modern eucalyptus sawmilling technology in Tasmania: Dean Satchell's blog, December 31, 2015
Whilst in Tasmania during December 2015 I had the fortuitous opportunity to visit Newood sawmill near Huonville at the invitation of mill manager Josh Turnbill. This mill was set up…
- Not all doom and gloom for alternative species: John Fairweather's blog, December 23, 2015
The last issues of the North Canterbury branch newsletter covered some interesting issues associated with growing and harvesting alternative species. Two points stuck out to me. One was that there…
- Sawing fence posts from Eucalyptus maculata: Dean Satchell's blog, September 19, 2015
I planted a small stand of E. maculata (Spotted gum) 21 years ago in Northland, after being really impressed with an old stand of trees that were milled by David…
- Radiata pine wood quality: Denis Hocking's blog, June 20, 2014
Radiata pine may be an easy and productive timber species for us to grow, but it has long been recognised that the timber does have a number of quality problems.…
- Forest industry’s challenge to manage supply fluctuations August 2016
The pan forest and timber processing industry organisation, the New Zealand Wood Council (Woodco) says there is a supply challenge for many regions in the domestic processing industry. Woodco Chair,…
- Timber industry ready to contribute to home building catch-up July 2016
The timber industry believes the government’s announced boost to home construction, through a Housing Infrastructure Fund, needs to have a timber focus. Woodco chair, Brian Stanley, says the volume of…
- TPPA may open doors for processed wood products October 2015
The forest and wood processing industries have welcomed the removal of tariffs on wood products across the 12 countries of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). “We have yet to see the…
- Report: Eucalyptus nitens, recovery and economics of processing 15 year old trees for solid timber September 2015
- Wood Council: Emission targets should be fair and include agriculture June 2015
The forest and wood processing industries have urged the government to set a credible emissions target and to implement it fairly. Emission targets need to be fair and credible. “The…
- Wood innovation attracts Australian architects March 2014
A group of leading Australian commercial architects is visiting New Zealand this month to come up to speed with developments in the use of engineered wood in commercial buildings. They…
- Farm Forestry Timbers July 2012
The NZ Farm Forestry Association has set up a national industry body representing the interests of local specialty timber producers and those with an interest in specialty timbers. A web…
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) and specialty timbers May 2011
Verification Both VSGVSG (Visual Stress Grades) are sorted on the basis of visual characteristics. Visual characteristics are good for determining strength but not so good for predicting stiffness. In the…
- Specialty timbers, structural timber and the new building code May 2011
Background NZS 3603 NZS 3603 Timber Design Standard contains design stresses and methods for specific engineering design of timber structures to meet the performance requirements of the New Zealand Building…
- Specialty timbers penalised for radiata pines shortcomings May 2011
Specialty timber species are being severely penalised in pursuit of an acceptable strength standard for radiata pine timber. Radiata pine and Douglas fir comprise most of the structural timber used…
- Anderton welcomes pan-industry body- Woodco December 2005
The formation of Woodco, the Wood Council of New Zealand, is a very positive development according to Forestry Minister Jim Anderton. "I congratulate the forestry industry on the establishment of…
- On-Site Processing For Farm Forestry
Stewart, M., & Hanson, I. (1998) On-Site Processing For Farm Forestry. Vol. UM22A, 98/079. Barton, ACT: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Au
Publication from the Australian Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC)
- Processing trees on farms: a literature review for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
Hanson, I., & Stewart M. (1997) Processing trees on farms: a literature review for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. RIRDC Research Paper No. 97/20. Baron, ACT: Australian Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Au.
- Building green in New Zealand: Wood - a sustainable construction choice
FRI Bulletin No. 226, Collins, M., T. Barnard, K. Bayne, A. Duignan and S. Shayer (2003).
- New Zealand pine and Douglas-fir: Suitability for processing
FRI Bulletin No. 216, Cown, D. J. (1999).
- Timber size control in sawmills: A do-it-yourself guide
FRI Bulletin No. 189, Jappinen, A. and S. Offen (1995).
- A further examination of the clearwood properties of radiata pine grown in New Zealand
FRI Bulletin No. 104. Mishiro, A., D. J. Cown and B. G. Walford, 1986.
- Drying radiata pine in New Zealand: Research and commercial aspects
FRI Bulletin No. 206, Haslett, A. N. (1998).
- The 2nd New Zealand Sapstain Symposium: Proceedings of a Symposium held at Forest Research, Rotorua, New Zealand 18-19 November, 1999
FRI Bulletin No. 215, Kreber, B. (1999)
- Strength properties of small clear specimens of New Zealand-grown timbers
FRI Bulletin No. 41, Bier, H. and R. A. J. Britton (1999).
- Radiata pine: Wood properties survey (revised edition)
FRI Bulletin No. 50 (Second edition), Cown, D. J., D. L. McConchie and G. D. Young (1991).
- Properties and utilisation of exotic specialty timbers grown in New Zealand, part I: Notes on timber properties and test methods
FRI Bulletin No. 119, part I, Haslett, A. N. (1986).
- Commercial utilisation study of radiata pine thinnings for sawn timber production
FRI Bulletin No. 116, Haslett, A. N. and D. L. McConchie (1986).
- Speciality Timbers: Their Properties and Suggested Applications
Utilisation Development Division Report No. 81, M.R. Blakeney (1982).
- The mechanical properties of New Zealand-grown Douglas-fir
FRI Bulletin No. 94, Walford, G. B. (1985).
- High-temperature kiln drying of radiata pine sawn timber
FRI Bulletin No. 73, Williams, D. H. and J. A. Kinninmonth (1984)
- Density conversions for radiata pine
FRI Bulletin No. 49, Collins, M. J. (1983).
- Grading veneers from photographs
FRI Bulletin No. 52, part 2, Firth, J. and W. A. J. van Dijk (1983).
- A peeling study method for pruned logs
FRI Bulletin No. 52, part 1, Park, J. C. (1983).
- The economics of fingerjointing for the production of clearwood
FRI Bulletin No. 63, Maplesden, F. and J. McConchie (1984).
- Measuring the moisture content of wood
FRI Bulletin No. 200, Simpson, I. (1982).
- Sawn timber in Japan, and New Zealand prospects
FRI Bulletin No. 96, Fenton, R. T. (1984).
- Speciality Applications for Timber - Preferred Species and Some Alternatives
Utilisation Development Division Report No. 73, R.A. Harris, C. Wiffen, J.J.L. Christmas, A.G. Coppens (1981).
Farm Forestry - Headlines
Article archive »
- Emissions Trading Scheme fee review a relief for cost-struck foresters
Thursday, February 29, 2024
The New Zealand Forest Owners Association says the review of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) fees is a relief for foresters facing excessive costs and loss of climate change action. …
- Planting trees on pasture can have a positive impact on soil health
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Rather than damaging soil in New Zealand, planting trees on pasture restores soil to be similar to its original condition. A recent news story highlighting changes in soils from converting…
- Forest plantation soils have benefits too
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
The Forest Owners Association (FOA) says the fact that soils under plantation forests are similar to soils under native trees, does not make them damaged, as a recent Newshub report has claimed.…
- Wilding Conifers - A legacy issue that needs continued, collaborative management
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Forest owners welcome the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s (PCE) acknowledgement that the presence of wilding conifers across New Zealand is largely a legacy issue, but caution against placing costs…
- Stock take of the commercially viable alternatives to Pinus radiata
Tuesday, October 03, 2023
Scion has published a “Stock Take of the Commercially Viable Alternatives to Pinus Radiata” for MPI, which reviews alternative species, their expected growth rates, climatic range, resilience to pests or…
- SNA regulations 'confusing ecological naivety'
Thursday, July 06, 2023
Forest Owners say the just released National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB) is a classic bureaucratic formula of confusing ecological naivety which will not help rare species and likely…
- Primary sector leadership not addressing economics as the real climate change issue
Tuesday, July 04, 2023
The immediate past president of the Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA) says the leaders of the primary sector and government are ineffectively tinkering with lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Graham West says the…
- Forest Owners hail ‘Biosecurity Hero’
Monday, May 22, 2023
The Forest Owners Association and Scion want more people to report suspicious imported wood products which might be infested with introduced wood and forest pests. FOA Biosecurity Manager, Brendan Gould,…
- Ministerial inquiry could have widespread implications for Tairawhiti community
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
The New Zealand Institute of Forestry says the just announced Tairawhiti land use inquiry is recommending measures which will stop the very activities which are vital for the region’s recovery.…
- Tairawhiti land use inquiry not addressing wider issues
Sunday, May 14, 2023
The Forest Owners Association says the Ministerial Inquiry into landuse in Tarawhiti has a core of practical recommendations, but has not addressed some more difficult and fundamental issues. President, Grant…
- Forest Owners say carbon-only forestry should be kept off productive land
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
The Forest Owners Association would like to see production forestry and farming on productive land – rather than this land used for carbon-only forests. It says this should be a…
- Opportunities from Trees Workshops - NZ Wide
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
The NZ Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA) is running 18 extension workshops in May and June with a target audience of landowners, or people with access to land, who are potential tree…
- Forest Owners back more trees for Tairawhiti
Sunday, April 16, 2023
The Forest Owners Association has told the Ministerial Inquiry into land use in Tairāwhiti, that the region’s future has to include more trees for land stability. But it appreciates forest…
- Small scale woodlot owners have their say in Tairawhiti Land use Inquiry
Sunday, April 02, 2023
he outgoing President of the Farm Forestry Association says it has been vital for farm foresters to directly address the Ministerial Inquiry into forestry and other land use in Tairāwhiti.…
- Future forests need to be multifunctional to meet climate change in Tairawhiti
Thursday, March 16, 2023
The Farm Forestry Association says the just convened Ministerial Inquiry, into land-use across Tairāwhiti, needs to look closely at the tree options for shoring up vulnerable farm and former forest land in…
- Hill country farming campaign shows they think climate change is someone else’s problem
Thursday, March 09, 2023
The Forest Owners Association says the latest campaign against forestry, led by Beef+Lamb New Zealand and 50 Shades of Green, is climate change responsibility denial, and is dangerous in the…
- Forest Owners says two months too brief to look into the complex land issues in Tairawhiti.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
The Forest Owners Association says the two month long inquiry into land use in Tairāwhiti doesn’t give enough time or depth to find solutions. The Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins has…
- Forest Owners want genetic technology approved
Thursday, February 16, 2023
The Forest Owners Organisation says New Zealand needs to concentrate on the safety of genetic technology on a case-by-case basis rather than persisting with blanket bans. The FOA wants approval…
- Fieldays Forestry Hub to demonstrate that forestry is a solution
Monday, November 28, 2022
A range of solutions to farmers’ current problems will be on display in the Fieldays Forestry Hub near Hamilton between 30 November and 3 December, says Farm Forestry Association president,…
- Innovative uses of forestry and wood products unveiled at Fieldays
Thursday, November 24, 2022
New and innovative uses of forestry and wood products will be on display at 35 stands in the Fieldays Forestry Hub near Hamilton between 30 November and 3 December, including…