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A Strategy for the NZ Cypress Industry: Workshop report and draft action plan

By Cypress Strategy Working Group, November 2020.

Download SWP-T112 (pdf)

Executive summary

This document follows from Discussion Document produced by the Cypress Strategy Working Group in August 2020.

Twenty participants from across the cypress value chain took part in a workshop in Wellington (October 28th 2020) (Appendix 1). We were also grateful for comments made from people who were unable to attend the workshop, which were circulated at the workshop (Appendix 3).

Participants worked through a conventional strategic planning framework for the NZ cypress industry, led by facilitator Richard Thompson. A record of discussions is available (Appendix 2).

As an early part of this SWP project, the Cypress Strategy Working Group discussed ideas around the future of cypress forestry, and the areas where we feel it is important to focus future efforts. We suggested that:

For the cypress industry to succeed, overall aims must include to:

  • enhance existing and develop new regionally based value chains so that they become sustainable
  • plant new cypress forests ‘in the right place’ and at the right scale, to provide the foundation for sustainable value chains
  • continue cypress research by securing funding, thereby ensuring that NZ cypress forestry remains economically competitive and environmentally and socially acceptable over the very long term.

The outcomes from the workshop have been added to, with information collated as part of the Cypress Working Group’s earlier efforts, plus comments from people who were unable to attend.


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