See also pdf download for Tree Grower » May 2011 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, May 2011
Husqvarna North Island Farm Foresters of the Year 2011 - David and Cloie Blackley and Gabrielle Walton (Access: unrestricted)
Angus Gordon
Summerhill Farm is an inter-generational farming and forestry enterprise situated on the Papamoa hills behind Welcome Bay, between Tauranga and Te Puke. It has a total area of 400 hectares… -
Husqvarna South Island Farm Foresters of the Year 2011 - Neil and Pam Cullen (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Jackson
New Zealand has numerous isolated valleys which are farmed to varying degrees, and have tremendous potential for forest development. One such valley is the Glenomaru Valley in South Otago, 25… -
The Landcare Trust Award for Innovation in Sustainable Farm Forestry 2011 - Ingleby Coxe (Access: unrestricted)
Angus Gordon
In 1988 an English woman who had lived in Africa for many years came to stay with friends and walk some of the magnificent walkways that New Zealand has to… -
What is wrong with wildings? (Access: unrestricted)
Nick Ledgard
What is wrong with wilding trees? This would be the most frequent question I am asked. The people looking for an answer are increasingly aware that many forests which have… -
Bay of Plenty branch history (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Nicholas
The Rotorua Farm Shelter and Forestry Association was formed in March 1960. Ed Graham was the founder of the association and its first president. It is interesting to note that… -
The Bay of Plenty region (Access: unrestricted)
John Douglas
The Bay of Plenty region covers approximately 21,836 square kilometres of which 12,250 square kilometres are land and the remaining area is coastal marine. The region extends roughly from Katikati… -
48 years’ experience of agroforestry at Roydon Downs (Access: unrestricted)
Geoff and Gill Brann
Roydon Downs is a 245 hectare property in the Bay of Plenty. It is unique in that over the last 48 years there has been a very active tree planting… -
Summerhill recreational farm - More than a farm and a forest (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Nicholas
David, Cloie and Gabrielle won the Husqvarna North Island Farm Foresters of the Year award this year and a more detailed description of this is here. David and Cloie Blackley… -
Agroforestry – the Tikitere experience (Access: unrestricted)
Martin Hawke
In the mid to late 1970s no farm forestry visit to the Bay of Plenty was complete without a visit to the Tikitere agroforestry trial. Within a decade or two… -
Who earns the first dollar? (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
In the early 1990s I attended a talk that changed how I look at the economy. The central theme of the address was the question − who earns the first… -
Wasp released to control gumleaf skeletoniser (Access: unrestricted)
Lisa Berndt
A tiny wasp could be a giant ally for eucalypt growers as the prickly pest gumleaf skeletoniser Uraba lugens makes its way towards New Zealand plantations. The newly introduced wasp… -
Making cents for Northland farms with the ETS (Access: unrestricted)
John-Paul Praat and Bob Thomson
The ETS imposes increased costs on everyone and of course no one thinks that is fair, farmers included. However, the ETS presents some farmers with opportunities to make money. The… -
Shelter design – what is best for your land? (Access: unrestricted)
Hawkes Bay Regional Council
This article is the first in a feature on shelter which will run in the next few issues of Tree Grower. The main purpose of farm shelter is to protect… -
To sell or not to sell? (Access: unrestricted)
Stuart Orme
We would like to think that members of the NZFFA must be some of the better informed forest owners in New Zealand. Undoubtable the allocation of credits for owners of… -
Carbon measurements that forest owners will have to make (Access: unrestricted)
Hamish Levack
Last year MAF proposed a field measurement approach to determine carbon stocks in post-1989 forest land. As one of the interested stakeholders, the NZFFA has considered the proposal and suggested… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
John Dermer
Conference in Masterton This was well attended and I'm sure enjoyed by all who went. These events are a great way to have an in depth look at the regions… -
Bioenergy demonstration planting, Bay of Plenty (Access: unrestricted)
Ian Nicholas and Kevin Snowdon
As part of a Sustainable Farming Fund project evaluating willow as a feedstock for ethanol production in the Taupo area, a demonstration planting was established in 2006 on Whakapoungakau Lands…