Timber For Sale
Lawsons cypress
Ruapehu Sawmills
Wanganui / Manawatu / Wairarapa
This timber is simply the finest we have ever sourced.
Weatherboards, beams, u...
Timber For Sale
Western Red Cedar
Ruapehu Sawmills
Wanganui / Manawatu / Wairarapa
New Zealand grown. We have plenty in supply, suitable for cladding.
We freight...
Timber For Sale
Redwood timber
Ruapehu Sawmills
Wanganui / Manawatu / Wairarapa
Redwood for sale, plenty in stock. We freight anywhere in the North Island, inc...
Timber For Sale
Eucalyptus hardwood decking
Ruapehu Sawmills
Wanganui / Manawatu / Wairarapa
Durable hardwood decking available ex 100 x 25. Species include Ironbark Eucaly...
Timber For Sale
Macrocarpa Decking
Ruapehu Sawmills
Wanganui / Manawatu / Wairarapa
Ex100x40 Dressed premium decking. 250 to 300 metres available $10.50per metre p...
Bushmere Estate ltd
Contact person:
Craig Matheson
Phone number:
Mobile number:
021 519 155
Postal address:
1 Bushmere Drive Paparimu RD3 Papakura, RD 3, Papkura, Paparimu, 2583
Email address:
Ulenberg Eco-Architects
Focusing on ecologically sensitive design and specialising in earthen and natural materials. As well as straw and clay we also use locally grown, naturally durable timber. We are passionate about eco Architecture and alternative timber species from sustainable forests.
Contact person:
Martin Ulenberg
Mobile number:
021 137 7778
Postal address:
2/823 Dominion Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland, New Zealand, 1041
Email address:
Ruapehu Sawmills
Wanganui / Manawatu / Wairarapa
Ruapehu sawmills has a comprehensive range of specialty species. We provide a full service tailored to individuals requirements. Large product range. Licensed for native timber. We can deliver to Wellington and Auckland within the week.
Contact person:
Vaughan Kearns
Phone number:
Mobile number:
027 445 7138
Postal address:
226 Sutherland Road, Lyall Bay , Wellington, 6022
Physical address:
Raetihi branch Ameku Road. Wanganui branch Holyoake St
Email address:
Timber species:
Cypress, Macrocarpa, Redwood, Eucalypt, Totara, Cedar
Supplier of:
Timber for sale:
Structural graded timber, Flooring timber - graded, Timber for glue laminating - graded, Decking timber - graded, Cladding timber - graded, Timber for furniture/joinery - graded, Panelling timber - graded, Timber for structural glulam - graded
Buyer of:
Logs, Standing trees
Timber transport, Sawmilling service, Kiln drying service, Machining and profiling, Timber merchant, Resawing