See also pdf download for Tree Grower » August 2015 (Access: NZFFA membership)
New Zealand Tree Grower, August 2015
Is your forest insurance cover still suitable? (Access: unrestricted)
Jo McIntosh
There is nothing like a significant disaster to get people rushing to review their insurance cover. That sinking feeling and wondering if you are covered is never a good experience.… -
Clean and green – controlling weeds in planted forests (Access: unrestricted)
Carol Rolando, Brenda Baillie, Loretta Garrett and Michelle Harnett
Herbicide use in planted forests is changing in response to consumer demand for wood and wood products from sustainably managed forests. Six years of research at Scion, focussing on minimising… -
Whangarei Conference 2015 - field days (Access: unrestricted)
Whangarei branch committee
The annual NZFFA conference was held in Whangarei in April and as usual there were a number of field trips for attendees to take part in. Over the next few… -
Bushman’s impressive shed (Access: unrestricted)
Nick Ledgard
I had the Kauri Museum or Trounson Park in my sights for the last conference day, but the need to be back in Whangarei for a mid-day flight required taking… -
Landcare Trust Award for Innovation in Sustainable Farm Forestry 2015 - Graham and Tess Smith (Access: unrestricted)
Angus Gordon
Miraka farm is nestled against the banks of the Mangatutu river south-east of Te Awamutu. It is home to 70 cows, 15 ducks, three dogs, umpteen turkeys as well as… -
West Melton bush block (Access: unrestricted)
Peter Gatehouse
The open Canterbury Plain is not the easiest site to create a new native forest. Strong cold easterlies, desiccating north-westerlies, frost and periodic snow are major factors for survival. In… -
NZDFI and ground durable eucalypts (Access: unrestricted)
Julian Bateson
On the following pages is a report of the ground durable eucalypt field day in June held in the Wairarapa. It also seemed to be a good idea to remind… -
Rebuilding after the Onamalutu fire earlier this year (Access: unrestricted)
Ket Bradshaw
Marlborough forester Ket Bradshaw lost large sections of her Nikau Forest in a fire in February 2015. Here is her experience and the lessons learned in the aftermath. Wednesday 4… -
Towards solid timber production from Eucalyptus nitens (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell
Eucalyptus nitens is a cold hardy hardwood timber species with very fast growth and excellent form. In Canterbury, along with other cooler regions in New Zealand, E. nitens produces high… -
Eastwoodhill tree cathedral (Access: unrestricted)
Rodney Faulkner
One of the delightfully quirky features of Douglas Cook’s plantings at Eastwoodhill Arboretum is the cathedral at the bottom of Cabin Park. This area in 1935 was the horse paddock… -
Location, location and location (Access: unrestricted)
Wink Sutton
Included on one of the farm visits at this year’s well organised conference in Whangarei was an excellent presentation by Scion’s Graham West. Graham had collated data of nett returns… -
Forest safety update and guidelines for safer field days (Access: unrestricted)
Julian Bateson
What has been happening with regard to forestry safety over the past few months? The news in the various national media has been relatively quiet, which is usually a good… -
President's Comment (Access: unrestricted)
Dean Satchell
This is my first report as the incoming President. I have given much thought over my time on the executive as to what I would like to achieve as President…