Eucalyptus - Information resources
Species information
- Growing Eucalypts for Timber - Videos and Information
Here you will find a series of short videos and information notes providing ‘back to basics’ information on growing eucalypts for timber. We hope these resources will encourage you to… - NZFFA Guide Sheet No. 3: Eucalypts for Timber
Eucalypt species, establishment and silviculture - Growing cold-climate eucalypts for high quality timber
NZFFA Information leaflet No. 17 - High quality timber eucalypts for warmer sites
The stringybark eucalypts, the eastern blue gums and other species
Eucalypt Handbook
Eucalypt Posters
Other sources of information
- Introduced forest trees in New Zealand: Recognition, role, and seed source, part 18. Ash eucalypts, Eucalyptus fastigata, E. regnans, E. obliqua, E. delegatensis, E. fraxinoides, E. sieberi, E. oreades, E. pauciflora, E. dendromorpha and E. paliformis
FRI Bulletin No. 124, part 18. Miller, J. T., A. E. Hay and C. E. Ecroyd, 2000 - Introduced forest trees in New Zealand: Recognition, role, and seed source, part 11. Eucalyptus nitens (Deane et Maiden) Maiden
FRI Bulletin No. 124, part 11. Miller, J. T., P. G. Cannon and C. E. Ecroyd, 1992 - Performance of Eucalyptus saligna in New Zealand
FRI Bulletin No. 195, McKenzie, H. and E. Hay, 1996 - Properties and utilisation of exotic speciality timbers grown in New Zealand, part VI: Eastern blue gums and stringy barks, Eucalyptus botryoides Sm., Eucalyptus saligna Sm., Eucalyptus globoidea Blakey, Eucalyptus muellerana Howitt, Eucalyptus pilularis Sm
FRI Bulletin No. 119, part VI, Haslett, A. N., 1986. - Properties and utilisation of exotic speciality timbers grown in New Zealand, part V: Ash eucalypts and Eucalyptus nitens, Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell., Eucalpytus delegatensis R. Baker, Eucalyptus fastigata Deane et Maiden, Eucalyptus obliqua L'Her., Eucalyptus sieberi L. Johnson, Eucalyptus fraxinoides Deane et Maiden, Eucalyptus nitens (Deane et Maiden) Maiden
FRI Bulletin No. 119, part V, Haslett, A. N.,1986. - A guide to handling and grade-sawing plantation-grown eucalypts
FRI Bulletin No. 142, Haslett, A. N. (1988) - A key to the identification of 92 species of Eucalyptus found in New Zealand
FRI Bulletin No. 125, Ecroyd, C. E. (1986) - Eucalyptus species trials in Longwood Forest, Southland
FRI Bulletin No. 95, Wilcox, M. D., J. T. Miller, I. M. Williams and D. W. Guild (1985). - Roundwood yield from Eucalyptus regnans stands
FRI Bulletin No. 82, Glass, B. P. (1985) - Some factors affecting branch control and defect core in Eucalyptus saligna
FRI Bulletin No. 87, Glass, B. P. (1983) - Eucalypts for Planting
Jacobs, M. R. (1979). Eucalypts for Planting: Food and Agriculture Organisation.
Still relevant, nice summaries of international experience. - Field Guide to Eucalypts: Vol. 1 South-eastern Australia
Brooker, M. I. H., & Kleinig, D. A. (1999). Victoria, Australia: Bloomings Books.
Full botanical guide to several hundred eucalypt species. Includes colour photos. - Growing eucalypt trees for milling
Neill Barr (1996)
A comprehensive guide to growing eucalypts for timber in New Zealand, with useful identification data for the common – and many not so common – species. Available from NZFFA