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Eucalyptus - Information resources

Species information


Eucalypt Handbook

Best Practice with Farm Forestry Timber Species No. 2: EUCALYPTS

Editor: Ian Nicholas

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Timber properties and marketing
Chapter 3: Site selection
Chapter 4: Health
Chapter 5: Species selection, seed source and breeding
Chapter 6: Establishment and nutrition
Chapter 7: Pruning and thinning
Chapter 8: Growth models
Chapter 9: Economic analysis
Chapter 10: Utilisation
Chapter 11: Other uses of eucalypts; Foliage, fodder, honey, bioenergy
Chapter 12: Summary
Chapter 13: Glossary
Chapter 14: References and web links


Eucalypt Posters

Single page illustrated research summaries
pdf file [1.1 Mb] Stringybark Eucalypt Evaluations in New Zealand
pdf file [2.8 Mb] Eucalypt Species for Sawn Timber
pdf file [1.7 Mb] Comparison of Pruning Regimes for Nine-year-old Eucalyptus nitens
pdf file [2.8 Mb] Siting Eucalypts
pdf file [0.9 Mb] Branching Patterns in E. regnans Second Logs


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