You are here: Home» NZFFA Library» Forest Management» Roads, Earthworks and Harvesting» Reports» Report: An alternative to clear-felling radiata pine» Appendix 1: Tinui Forest Park

Appendix 1: Tinui Forest Park

The radiata pine resource at Tinui Forest Park has been established ‘paddock by paddock’ over the years, with the expectation that this is more-or-less how they will be harvested. The oldest radiata was planted in 1993, and the youngest trees in 2017. Apart from one 15.6 ha block planted in 2001, all trees are high-pruned. In this project, pre-harvest inventory was undertaken in blocks aged 14 and over.

P year 1993 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2010 2014 2017 Total area
Hectares 4.3 12.7 11.2 8.1 33.6 26.7 16.1 15.5 3.4 14.8 9 155.3

Fig 1: Tri-ennial TDH harvest from Tinui Forest Park, 1996 radiata pine, 55 cm target diameter, with clearfell comparison

Fig 2: Tri-ennial TDH harvest from Tinui Forest Park, 1996 radiata pine, 50 cm target diameter, with clearfell comparison

Fig 3: Combined tri-ennial TDH harvest from all TFPL compartments, TDH of 55cm and comparative clearfell harvest


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