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Symptoms observed in May, tree age from planting to fifteen years

Close up of needles showing brick red bands and black fruiting bodies within the bands where spores are released

Dothistroma needle blight occurs all year, but first appears on current foliage about December.


Brick red bands on green needles with black spots usually seen within the bands. Needles die completely and are retained. Needles may wilt, but usually wither and turn brown/grey.

Incidence and severity

General distribution, almost every tree in affected parts, but tree to tree variation is apparent.


Close up view of black banding, within a larger yellowish or khaki/olive coloured band, typical of the onset of RNC

Red needle cast occurs from April to October on trees of all ages, but generally those over 3 years old.


Oily green band, then yellow, then red. Needles detach readily. Resin blobs are sometimes seen at the needle base.

Incidence and severity

Localised/general distribution, almost every tree in affected parts of a stand.



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