Temperature - Cold (10-12°C)
- Acacia - Blackwood
- Cedar - Japanese cedar
- Cedar - Himalayan cedar
- Cypress - Lusitanica
- Cypress - Macrocarpa
- Eucalyptus - Mountain ash
- Fir - Douglas fir
- Fir - Grand fir
- Larch - European larch
- Larch - Japanese larch
- Indigenous species - Totara
- Indigenous species - Kahikatea
- Indigenous species - Red beech
- Indigenous species - Silver beech
- Indigenous species - Black beech
- Poplar - Kawa poplar
- Poplar - Veronese poplar
- Pine - Radiata pine
- Redwood - Coast redwood
- Redwood - Giant sequoia
- Willow - Moutere willow
- Willow - Tangoio willow

A cold climate tends to be inland but not high altitude. Frosts can be quite hard and snowfall occurs, especially during winter.