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Durable Eucalypts - A Multi-Regional Opportunity for New Zealand’s Drylands

By Paul Millen, Clemens Altaner, Kevan Buck and Harriet Palmer, September 2019.

Download SWP-T076 (pdf)

Executive summary

Focus Areas and Action/Goals for 2019-2022

The NZDFI has developed this regional strategy to provide a rationale and overview of its planned activities over the next three years and beyond.

The strategy identifies six key focus areas where skills, knowledge, resources and investment are needed to continue to build the capability required to establish a new durable hardwood industry.

This strategy highlights what has been achieved through enduring partnerships and a collaborative approach that attracts forest growers, farmers, Māori, regional councils, government and industry organisations to provide ongoing support and invest in making a future hardwood industry possible.


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