Soil depth - Deep (>1.5m )
- Acacia - Blackwood
- Cedar - Japanese cedar
- Cypress - Lusitanica
- Cypress - Macrocarpa
- Eucalyptus - Blackbutt
- Eucalyptus - Mountain ash
- Fir - Douglas fir
- Fir - Grand fir
- Larch - European larch
- Larch - Japanese larch
- Indigenous species - Totara
- Indigenous species - Kahikatea
- Indigenous species - Red beech
- Indigenous species - Silver beech
- Indigenous species - Black beech
- Poplar - Kawa poplar
- Poplar - Veronese poplar
- Pine - Radiata pine
- Redwood - Coast redwood
- Redwood - Giant sequoia
- Willow - Moutere willow
- Willow - Tangoio willow
- Pine - Norfolk Island pine
- Eucalyptus - White stringybark
Deep soils are not likely to be limited by dry conditions because roots can penetrate deep below the surface. The large soil volume means that trees are not limited by lack of nutrients or moisture defecit. Deep soils are found on lower slopes, the toes of slopes and where good quality soils are present.