Attention: Small forest owners who have harvested recently
Paropsis biocontrol now open for submissions
Forest Levy Vote 2019 - invitation to hear more
GCFF Newsletter, October 2018
Neil Cullen
-North Otago
-Mid Otago
-South Otago
-Sthn High Country (south)
Immediate Past President & Newsletter editor
Dean Satchell
-Far North
-Mid North
National Office
Phone: 04 4720432
Angus Gordon
-Taupo & Districts
-Middle Districts
-Hawkes Bay
-Gisborne East Coast
Michael Orchard
-West Coast
Hamish Levack
Patrick Milne
-North Canterbury
-Central Canterbury
-South Canterbury
Peter Berg
-Lower North
-Bay of Plenty
Don Wallace
-At large
The members area of the NZFFA website can be accessed by using your email address and password to log in.
Your email address MUST be the address you have provided to NZFFA for your subscription (which happens to be the one this newsletter was sent to...).
If you don't have a password or can't remember it, you can get one very easily. Just follow the instructions here.
Any problems logging in then email me.
Dean Satchell, website administrator
If you are receiving this e-newsletter and don't want to, please notify NZFFA by replying.
Forest Call
All ten episodes of Forest Call can now be viewed on the NZFFA website here. Episode Ten: Forest Call this week looks at the science going into our forest industry, from using drones and satellites, to the ways to make the trees in our plantation forests grow faster and better.
For more information on these events, they are posted on the NZFFA website >>
Branch secretaries, please make sure you notify head office of any branch or action group events.
- Forestry RMA workshops, Palmerston North and Masterton The Southern North Island Wood Council has organised two free ‘Forestry RMA’ workshops: Compliance and enforcement risk management Chris Fowler, Adderley Head partner, and Steve Couper (Palmerston North) / Sean McBride (Masterton)…
- Central Canterbury branch field day Hororata area on Saturday, October 27 Two properties are on the agenda. One is a historic homestead and garden, once home to a national and provincial premier, and the other…
- This Sunday: Husqvarna North Island Farm Forester of the Year field day Dean Satchell, Purerua, Bay of Islands, Northland You are invited to view the property of Horowai Trust, a 150 hectare plantation forest comprising radiata pine, durable eucalypts and cypress. When: Sunday…
- NZFFA Special Interest Group seminar Te Awamutu 3–4 November 2018 Come to Visit the Waikato Summary: Sat 9am 3 Nov visit to Wilson property, Otewa Sat 2pm visit Forsythe property Te Kawa Dinner and Speaker…
- Nelson branch meeting We are having an evening meeting 5 November at the Tasman Pine Forests headquarters at Spring Grove. For those unfamiliar it is located 1km south of the Brightwater deviation on…
- Nelson branch field day Field day coming 17 November up the Owen Valley. This field day is highly recommended and this comment comes from the 2018 South Island Farm Foresters of the year. I…
- Gisborne East Coast branch field day Where: Longbush Ecological Trust. Riverside Road. When: November 18th, 1-30 p.m. There has been a lot of interest in the use of native planting on some of the most vulnerable…
- Wairarapa branch field day Where: Paton properties, Martinborough When: Saturday 24th November 2018 Our next Wairarapa Branch field day will be hosted by Clive Paton, Ata Rangi Vineyard, Martinborough. We will visit the renowned ‘Bush Block’,…
- Forest Levy Vote 2019 - invitation to hear more Each year forest and woodlot owners like yourself contribute about $9 million to supporting forestry in New Zealand. The investment comes from the Forest Growers levy. It supports research, health…
- Forest Practice Guides launched October, 2018. The Forest Owners Association has today launched a series of 28 Forest Practice Guides. The Guides are a joint venture between the forest sector and MPI and were initiated as…
On the recommendation of the joint NZFOA and NZFFA Small & Medium Enterprise Committee (SME), chaired by the NZFFA president, a project was commissioned to get better information for small forest investors on the real returns from small scale forestry and what are the key drivers of costs and profits.
This is a project managed by Graham West (BOP NZFFA Branch Chairman) who is ex Scion and now a registered forestry consultant.
NZFFA has held a series of consultation meetings with harvesting consultants in the BOP, Southern NI, and Canterbury. These were to explain the project, its support from the Forest Growers Levy Trust, and receive feedback on the approach.
We are having difficulty sourcing this information during this very busy period of harvesting.
This is a request direct to small forest owners who have harvested in the last 3 years to help by completing this template ; or alternatively requesting their harvesting consultant provide the information direct to Graham at
Be assured the data will be kept confidential. It will only be displayed in graphical or summarised regional format that protects its confidentiality.
Ideally we need a stand description and full costs and returns from the woodlots but any level of information is gratefully received.
If you would like an early copy of the project report that goes to the Forest Growers Levy Trust please advise Graham direct.
This will hopefully benefit the whole sector from more investors planting trees based on the confidence and understanding this information provides.
Scion’s application to the Environmental Protection Authority (APP203631) to release from containment a parasitoid wasp, Eadya daenerys, for biological control of larvae of the pest Eucalyptus tortoise beetle, Paropsis charybdis, a pest of Eucalyptus trees in New Zealand, is now open to submission from members of the public until 14 November 2018.
If you agree this larval biocontrol agent would be a useful addition to the biological arsenal to manage this pest, please make a submission in support of the proposal by following the link on the EPA website, and use their template (also attached here) to prepare your submission:
Editor's note: NZFFA have been behind this project right from the start, there has been a lot of work gone into this to ensure a safe biological control agent is introduced. Please support this application, we need to combat the ever-increasing pest introductions, with their natural enemies.
Each year forest and woodlot owners like yourself contribute about $9 million to supporting forestry in New Zealand. The investment comes from the Forest Growers levy. It supports research, health and safety, biosecurity, and a host of other activities which benefit growers.
In March/April 2019 forest and woodlot owners will be able to vote on setting the levy for the next six years. You are invited to a meeting to hear more about plans for what’s necessary for the future of our stake in forestry and what new government policies might mean for our industry.
You’ll be able to talk to representatives from the Forest Growers Levy Trust, the Forest Owners Association and the Farm Forestry Association.
If you can’t get to the meeting keep an eye on the website for a webinar.
I hope you can join us.
Yours sincerely,

Geoff Thompson,
Chair, Forest Growers Levy Trust
Public meetings in your area
Monday 29 October, 9:30AM
Copthorne Solway Park, High St
Monday 29 October, 2:30PM
Manfeild, 59 South St
Thursday 1 November, 9:30AM
Orewa Bowling Club, Northshore
Thursday 1 November, 4PM
Northland Events Centre, 51 Okara Dr
Wednesday 7 November, 4PM
The Terrace Conference Centre, Ground floor, 114 The Terrace
Friday 23 November, 11AM
Gisborne Cosmopolitan Club, 190 Derby St
Tuesday 27 November, 9:30AM
Distinction Rotorua, 390 Fenton St, Glenhome
Tuesday 27 November, 4PM
Distinction Hamilton, 100 Garnett Ave,
Te Rapa
Monday 5 November, 10:30AM
Club Waimea, 345 Queen St
Tuesday 13 November, 9:30AM
Sudima Hotel, 550 Memorial Ave
Tuesday 13 November, 2:30PM
Timaru Town & Country Club,
99 Douglas St
Wednesday 14 November, 9:30AM
Kingsgate Hotel, 10 Smith St
Wednesday 14 November, 3PM
Heartland Hotel Croydon, 100 Waimea St
GCFF newsletter, October 2018
- Investing in soil modification to improve future tree rotations
- Monitoring forest health from afar
- Site specific management - soil and foliage workshop
- International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) Extension and Knowledge Exchange Conference, 9-13 September, Christchurch
- Scion scientists at the 13th North American Forest Soils Conference
Disclaimer: Personal views expressed in this newsletter are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of the NZ Farm Forestry Association. |