You are here: Home» Article archive» NZFFA member nominations to Levy Board standing for less than 1000 ha category» DEAN SATCHELL

November, 2013


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I represent the fresh face of forward thinking and innovation, coupled with a strong interest in resource management and environmental sustainability. I'm energetic, practical and hardworking and think outside the square with a longer term vision.

Forestry has been my life for over 20 years. I'm actively involved in planting, silviculture and forestry research, and want to play my part in ensuring forestry is a profitable and rewarding land use into the future.

I'm thinking about wood and value. I'm thinking about the forest industry as a whole and its strengths and weaknesses. I believe the small forest grower has very different interests than the larger corporate growers. With that in mind if elected I intend to provide a forum where all levy paying small forest growers can openly discuss issues and build consensus. I believe good small-grower policy will emerge from a collaborative effort where growers’ voices are being heard on how levy money should be spent.

I am currently vice-president of the New Zealand Farm Forestry Association and have been on the NZFFA executive for eight years. During this time I have worked very hard for the association and played my part in addressing important issues facing forestry. I have developed relationships with many researchers at Scion and other institutions and represent the small grower on the FOA forest health committee.

I'm not afraid to stand up for the interests of the small grower. I believe the small grower needs a strong voice on the levy board that demands sensible spending for the longer term, and for the better of the industry as a whole.

Voting closes at 5.00pm on 22 November 2013


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